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AUX口拨号上去123456_博客_云社区_开发者中心- … 2019-1-27 · scheduler allocate 20000 1000! end Router# cisco#show run Building configuration Current configuration : 1258 bytes! version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption! ! boot-start ! ! 思科2811配置实际分析-茶余饭后,静思量-51CTO … 2015-9-20 · scheduler allocate 20000 1000 ntp clock-period 17180178 ntp update-calendar ntp server! end ©著作权归作者所有:来自51CTO 博客作者艳花三月的原创作品,谢绝转载,否则将追究法律责任 思科2811配置 【原创】网络技术海洋 0 分享 微博 QQ 12.14. Switch Config Example-云栖社区-阿里云 2018-1-8 · ! no ip http server ! ! control-plane ! ! line con 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 login ! scheduler allocate 20000 1000 ! end Router# 12.14.4. Cisco 2811 Router + 2960 Switch 例 12.4. Cisco 2811 Router + 2960 Switch enable configure Cisco 1841 PPPOE配置 - 网络安全 - 亿速云

Cisco 1841 PPPOE配置 - 网络安全 - 亿速云

scheduler allocate command. Tunning for - Cisco Community configure the scheduler interval 500 command; this schedules low priority processes to run every 500 ms. This provides time for you to run some commands, even if CPU usage is at 100 percent. On Cisco 7200 and Cisco 7500 series routers, issue the scheduler allocate 3000 1000 command.


思科2921 路由器PPPoE 拨号后无法打开网页故障一 … 2018-3-4